Request of Ambulance Detail / Stand-by Policy
From time to time it becomes necessary for a community organization, school, or business to request that an ambulance stage at the scene of a special event. It has always been the policy of Tri-Hampton Rescue Squad (THRS) to provide this service without reservation. However, in recent years it has become increasingly more expensive to provide this service without compensation, especially when the event calls for a crew to be “committed” to the scene. On average, the cost for a basic life support ambulance to leave the station alone is in the area of $650.00 dollars; this includes personnel, personnel training, equipment, fuel and insurance.
THRS has adopted a “stand-by” policy which is intended to better service the community and allow us to prepare in advance for your special event.
• Detail or Stand-by – Any event where an ambulance or responder is requested to be on-site by the member of the sponsoring organization. For example, a high school football game.
• BLS ‘Responder’ Standby – One certified Emergency Medical Technician with Automatic External Defibrillator, BLS medical gear, and an Ambulance or SUV
• ALS ‘Responder’ Standby – One certified Paramedic with Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillator, ALS medical gear, and an Ambulance or SUV
• BLS Ambulance Standby – Two certified EMTs with Basic Life Support Ambulance that is capable of handling basic life support emergencies, such has falls, fractures, nausea, vomiting or dizziness. For most events, a BLS crew is all that is needed.
• ALS Ambulance Standby – One certified Paramedic and one certified EMT with Advanced Life Support Ambulance capable of handling emergencies such has a cardiac or respiratory event. Keep in mind, any BLS crew will start care of an emergency patient and call for the appropriate level of care as needed.
• Committed Crew – A committed crew shall consist of a crew that is dedicated to the special event and shall not be “Available” for other emergencies with Bucks County Radio.
Please determine the level of care and crew type you need for your special event. Complete the Request Application Form and return it to THRS as soon as possible and email it to detailrequest@tri-hampton.org. Contact our station at 215-357-0473 (leave message if needed) if you have any questions. Remember, it is important to give us as much notice as possible since the shortage of emergency medical personnel in the area has placed a great demand on our resources. If you are having difficulty determining the level of care, call us and ask our recommendation. For example, we recommend at least one BLS crew for any event that expects at least 3,000 people to be in attendance. We MUST HAVE the completed form at least 30 days prior to the event in order to guarantee your request. If it is not completed within the time frame we will do our best to have at least a responder or the “on-call crew” at the event. THRS reserves the right to deny requests based upon concurrent requests, 911 emergency medical needs, staffing and equipment availability. If your event is happening outside of our primary response area, please contact your local EMS service before requesting our services.
With MORE THAN 30 days advance notice in writing:
• Committed BLS Responder: First Three (3) hours of dedicated coverage $350.00
• Committed ALS Responder: First Three (3) hours of dedicated coverage $450.00
• Committed BLS crew: First Three (3) hours of dedicated coverage $650.00
• Committed ALS crew: First Three (3) hours of dedicated coverage $750.00
Cost after first three dedicated hours:
• Committed BLS Responder: Each additional hour $100.00
• Committed ALS Responder: Each additional hour $100.00
• Committed BLS crew: Each additional hour $200.00
• Committed ALS crew: Each additional hour$200.00
With LESS THAN 30 days written notice, pricing will be subject to an additional 25% surcharge.
Terms and conditions:
THRS is a non-profit corporation and must operate on sound financial decision making when it comes to scheduling career personnel and equipment, therefore:
• THRS reserves the right to refuse any request regardless of ability for reimbursement.
• An invoice will be sent and payment in full is expected before the day of the event.
• If payment in full is not received by the day of the event THRS reserves the right to cancel the events services without notice.
• If services are carried out by THRS without payment by the day of the event, a surcharge of 1.5% will be immediately added and an additional surcharge of 1.5% will be added for each subsequent month payment is late.
• Requests for event services may be cancelled up to 14 days in advance by written notice to detailrequest@tri-hampton.org. Cancellations for any reason given with less than 14 days notice will result in the event being charged in full.
• THRS reserves the right to discontinue and or refuse service without notice to any event based upon previous lack or lateness of payment or failure to comply with THRS detail request procedures.
• THRS reserves the right to cancel services without notice at anytime based upon the emergency needs of the community.
• Events that wish relief from charges may submit a written request to the Tri-Hampton Rescue Squad – Executive Board at PO Box 659, Richboro PA 18954. When making such requests, please be mindful that THRS is a non- profit organization with 501(c)3 status and requests for event fee waiver for non-profit sponsored events is not enough merit on its own.
As always we will continue to provide “the best possible Emergency Medical Services” our community deserves and has come to expect of THRS. We thank you for your continued support and understanding in the ever changing world of emergency medicine.